Doing Laundry the Green Way: A Sustainable Guide

Doing Laundry the Green Way: A Sustainable Guide

Laundry is as routine as household chores get, yet its environmental impact is anything but ordinary.

It might come as a surprise, but the mundane act of washing our clothes has a bigger ecological impact than many realize.

Every spin cycle consumes water and energy, and many of the chemical detergents we use have the potential to harm aquatic life when it drains into our waterways.

So, how do you determine if your current laundry routine is sustainable and environmentally friendly?

Well, we’ve got you covered, because in this blog post we will dive deep into 5 mistakes you might be making when it comes to your laundry routine, and how to fix them.

The good news is that with these small changes, we can make a big difference.

Doing Laundry the Green Way: A Sustainable Guide

Let's identify some of the common mistakes we make in our laundry routines that may not be as green as we'd like.

Mistake #1: You are doing half-loads.

Running half-loads of laundry may seem harmless, but it’s actually a significant waste of water and electricity. Aim to only wash full loads of laundry, and avoid washing clothing items like jeans after only one wear if they’re not truly dirty.

Mistake #2: You don’t use the “quick wash” setting.

Are you guilty of always washing your clothes on the highest temperature setting to ensure they’re clean? While it might seem like the best option, the fact is that except for heavily dirty clothes (like “when your kids have played in the garden’ dirty), lower temperature washes with the “quick wash setting” can usually do the job just fine.

For everyday laundry, consider using the quick wash setting at lower temperatures. Not only will your clothes still come out clean, but you'll also save a considerable amount of water and energy.

Mistake #3: You always use the tumble dryer to dry your clothes.

Tumble drying is undeniably convenient, but did you know it's one of the most energy-intensive appliances in our homes?

If circumstances allow, air-drying your clothes on a clothesline not only saves energy but also helps extend the life of your clothes. The sun and wind can do the job just as well, if not better, than any machine - and they do so entirely free of charge.

Mistake #4: You use those traditional detergent pods that might be quick and easy to use, but are harmful to the environment.

Many of us opt for conventional detergent pods or liquids without realizing that they often contain harmful chemicals. These substances pose a serious threat to both our health and the environment.

Switch to eco-friendly laundry detergents. Many companies now offer products that are biodegradable and free from harmful, petroleum-based chemicals, making them a safer choice for both humans and the environment.

Mistake #5: You don’t have an energy-efficient washing machine

Your washing machine’s efficiency rating can have a significant impact on your utility bills and the environment.

High-efficiency machines consume much less water and energy compared to conventional models, making them a more sustainable choice.

If you're in the interested in purchasing a new washing machine, consider opting for a high-efficiency model.

La Boutique's recommendation

Boen’s sustainable laundry sheets are a perfect example of the kind of washing products that helps more environmentally-friendly choices without compromising on cleanliness or convenience. They are compact, biodegradable, hypoallergenic and deliver excellent cleaning power while being completely free of harmful chemicals.

Boen's laundry sheets contain only plant-based ingredients and are not tested on animals. In addition, you save 90% CO2 per package and the product itself is biodegradable.

Boen's washing sheets

Boen - Laundry Sheets


Doing laundry the green way doesn't require drastic changes. By adopting the small tweaks mentioned above, you can significantly reduce your laundry routine's environmental impact.

Let's Chat!

What are your tips for doing your laundry routine more sustainable? Let us know in the comments down below.

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